Healing Waters
Happy New Year! I’ve been immersed in deep rest, and painting.
My latest works have been focusing on water. This element holds the power to heal, soothe, cleanse- but also the danger to destroy.
Amidst all that’s happened in the world the last two years, my home was damaged due to water. The process of repairing my home with major remodeling wasn’t easy on my body and affected my health.
It makes sense that my paintings are depicting my relationship to water as I continue to heal and make peace with all that’s happened.
I’m enjoying the process of applying layers of water like paints. Each layer feels like I’m applying a cooling, soothing salve to my soul. It feels like deep healing.
Here’s a sneak peak of the work…

The Color Palette
The color palette is influenced by my home surroundings located on a small lake. Nature is always a source of inspiration when I’m seeking to draw strength in times of hardship. It puts things in perspective for me and reminds me that the world isn’t supposed to always be fair, kind, or easy. It reminds me that pain and beauty co-exist. That somehow I am strong enough, always.
The Process
As I create this work I’m listening to Classical Music that is reminiscent of water at a visceral level. The process was accidental. It all just happened at the same time and began pouring out of me. Sometimes the process leads and the works then tell me what’s happening. Other times it’s the other way around, where I dictate how the work will be created and what it means, and the body of work follows suit.
(Here’s the link to the Spotify Playlist).
Further Inspiration
Instead of working on the wall, I’m painting on the floor - the process naturally reminds me of Helen Frankenthaler who is recognized as one of the great American artists of the twentieth century. She played a pivotal role in the transition from Abstract Expressionism to Color Field painting and invented the soak-stain technique. Click here to learn more about Frankenthaler and how she’s further inspired my latest work.
The Materials
I’m still experimenting with the surface and application. I’ve narrowed down my favorite substrate for the work, Belgian Linen. It’s adds a natural layer of sophistication and beautiful texture.
I’m looking forward to creating more and sharing with you as the collection progresses. If you’re not already following me on Instagram, you might want to.