“Each layer feels like I’m applying a cooling, soothing salve to my soul. It feels like deep healing.”
This collection focuses on water. This element holds the power to heal, soothe, cleanse- but also the danger to destroy.
One day I came home to water pouring out my front door. I called this the “The Flood”. It wiped my slate clean. Everything stopped. There was significant damage to my home and we had to move out for major remodeling. Shortly after the world went crazy. My health was affected and I found myself stuck in fear.
I began focusing on healing and making peace with my relationship with water. The paintings depict the healing qualities of water. The process involves applying layers of water like acrylic paints on Belgian Linen. Each layer feels like a cooling, soothing salve to the soul. Each painting in the collection uses water “charged” by the first Full Moon, or New Moon of the year. The works invoke deep healing.